Sunday 20 January 2013

Off to Summer School!

The regularly scheduled Sunday ballet babble is not going to be too fascinating, as I'm leaving for Summer School in about in hour. Classes start tomorrow, wow!

I will however do a quick update tomorrow about how my first ballet class in too-long-of-a-time went, and if I can adapt my stretch routine to my new surroundings and schedule.

Goals for this week:
-concentrate on relaxing my upper body, using my back in port de bras
-practice and focus on releve-passes en pointe
-do the splits at some point everyday
-get back into focusing on my back flexibility, doing the exercises everyday
-take note of corrections and work on applying them

Bad photo, but all packed and ready to go!


  1. When you say your leaving to summer school is it for ballet or education? Either way, have fun!
